Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A beautiful Day

After my photoshoot today at Sanctuary Cove, I was keen to take a trip to the south east coast. I found my way to Fingal Head Lighthouse by accident.

Isn't this the cutest little light house you have ever seen!

I made my way to 'Dreamtime Beach' and my gosh what an amazing beach and view.

The ocean was crystal clear and so blue. The dolphins were swimming here.
I meet Steve a professional photographer today, I call him the Dolphin 'Wispher'. I adored he's love and passion for nature.

I Captured a lone 'long boarder' in the sun.

Me, Steve and a lady called Sue a 'New Yorker' stayed most of the afternoon watching for the dolphins and whales to return. Time seemed to just stand still while we chatted and embraced our luck today.

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